Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Adventure Time

Five years ago this month I was sitting in a hotel room in Seattle, making invitations for Jaxten's 1st birthday and waiting for him to take his first steps at any moment. Seems like so long ago, yet yesterday all at the same time. Bringing this little life into the world has created quite the adventure for all of our lives. He has no idea of the impact he has made on us. 

 I sit here tonight making sure he has everything ready for his first day of Kindergarten tomorrow and trying to come up with ideas for his upcoming 6th birthday. Unbelievable. So soon. 

 I know, I know. He went to Pre-K last year, so it should be no big deal. But it is. This year is different. This year he will be going all day. This year is to be taken a little more seriously.

 I know he will be fine, I know he needs to be there. It's me that's not fine.  I just can't help but think that this is the beginning of the end. This is going to be how it is from now until he is old enough to have a life of his own and he won't need me. (I know I posted something like this last year too.)  I know there are still many more adventures to be had along the way. I just need time to stand still for a little bit. 

Alas, here's to another adventure! 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Jax's Test Results

     I just got a call from Jax's pediatrician. He had some bloodwork done a few months ago and she called to tell me about it. His IgE levels are through the roof. Normal for him should be in the 50's, his was 2300. This could mean a few different things. The first and most probable answer is he has crazy bad allergies. We've always known about his food allergies, and now that he is older he is probably having some environmental allergy issues as well. The kicker is that he has had NO SYMPTOMS. As a baby he was constantly broke out in a rash, and always had eczema somewhere on his body. So we knew when his allergies were acting up. But all that cleared up when he was about 2, his skin has been perfect since. He has no serious congestion or respiratory issues to speak of. I honestly thought he was outgrowing most of his food allergies.
     The second thing it could be is a parasite. I don't know much about this, so I can't elaborate too much on it. However, he again has had NO SYMPTOMS to make me believe that this is the case. The symptoms would include something like constant tummy aches, and loose stools.
     Another thing it could be is a very rare and highly unlikely case of Hyper IgE Syndrome. With this, he would, from what I understand, have boils and other skin irritations, and have infections that don't heal properly from minor cuts and a few other serious complications. With this being very rare and him having no symptoms of it either I do not believe this to be the case at all. The ONLY reason I would consider this is because it is an auto-immune disease, which can be a genetic disease, and since his Nana has Lupus and RA (which are auto-immune diseases),there is a small chance it could be possible.
     He has an appointment with his allergist next month. With the lack of symptoms they are probably not going to tell me to do anything any differently. They will probably just do more bloodwork and hopefully another food allergy test soon. I hope to get answers soon.

     The reason for the testing was to find out why he is still so small. He is growing in height, so he is still growing. He just doesn't seem to gain weight. He eats really well, and for the most part always has. He likes a wide variety of food. I am surprised at what he will eat sometimes. It doesn't make sense. I JUST WANT ANSWERS!!!!