Friday, October 4, 2013


     Earlier this week I asked for prayers. At that time I had received 2 calls from Jaxten's school. Two separate kids on two separate occasions were causing problems for Jax. I just received another call. I didn't really want to post anything to elaborate on it, but I just don't know what, if anything, I should be doing about it. 
     The first call, which came Monday, was about a kid in his class that threatened to shoot him. My first thought was that they are just First graders, the kid probably didn't mean anything, and I kind of felt bad for him. Luckily though, the boys go to a great school where accusations like this are taken very seriously. The principal assured me that this matter is not to be taken lightly, as we don't know if the kid has access to weapons in his home. We can't just dismiss it as it's "just kids being kids," and then something really does happen. The kid was suspended, and a report turned in to the resource officer. Like I said before, I felt bad at first, but then Jax told me this kid tends to have a lot of anger issues (those are my words, not his.) I hope the suspension wasn't just free time for the kid, but that he is getting help. I can hope right...
     I received the second call Wednesday. A kid on the playground kicked Jax between the legs and hit him and one of his buddies. According to Jax the kid came pretty much out of the blue and had no reason to do it. I spoke to the principal and he even says that Jaxten had done nothing to provoke it. I'm not sure what punishment that boy received, but I got another call today saying that the same boy tried to choke Jax in the bathroom. He is in a different class (he's also a First grader though) so them being in there together was just a coincidence. Since this is the second time this boy has done it the principal is considering him a bully. He has been suspended and his bathroom privileges have been taken away. He can only use the bathroom in the principal's office!  He has also contacted the resource officer about this child too.
     Jaxten, so far, has acted like it's been no big deal. It just kills me though. So far, I think the school has done everything correctly, even taken measure farther than I would have thought. I can't be at school with him everyday and protect him from every little thing, but how do I keep sending him not knowing what might happen next? I'm just not sure how I feel about all this or what I should be doing about it. I mean, what can I do?

P.S. The kicker is that I have been at the school every day this week, except Monday. I was there helping with the vision screening for 3 days, and today I went up at lunch time to give Jax a breathing treatment! Not one time did it happen while I was there though! 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Worth it

     Pink Leonard has not felt so super during this pregnancy. If this had been my first one, I don't think I would have wanted to have more kids. I started out doing really well. I was walking about 2 miles every morning after I took Jax to school. I was feeling good, my back wasn't hurting as much anymore. I even did my first 5K. (Yes, I was pregnant. Yes, I knew I was. No, no one else knew.) Soon after the Glow Run, is when actual pregnancy symptoms set in. I was tired, I couldn't sleep, I was HUNGRY. Walking and having a healthy pregnancy slowly faded away. 
     If being tired was all that pregnancy symptoms included, I would have been happy. However, with pregnancy there is pregnancy hormones. And with these hormones, I had acne. BAD ACNE. I have NEVER had acne like I had in the beginning of this pregnancy. The pimples were big, they hurt, they wouldn't go away, they were embarrassing. I almost didn't want to be seen in public. No amount of make-up would completely cover them. I can't be certain if it was because I switched face washes, or if it was just the timing that I did, but they have since subsided. Now I am just left with some nice scarring, that CAN be covered with make-up. :) 
     Pimples were just the beginning of my pregnancy misery. If pimples and being tired were the worst of it, I would have been happy. The second trimester wasn't too bad. It was sort of the calm before the storm. My back did start hurting again, but that's pretty normal. Then by the end of the second trimester, it hit me. MY CROTCH HURT. (Pardon my terminology.) I actually first noticed it when we were in Florida. I thought it was because we were walking a lot more during the day than I was used to, and at that time it was only hurting at night. But it has gotten worse since. 
     This pain in that area, isn't just pain from the pressure of having a living being inside you. This is separation of bone. It has a name - Symphysis pubis dysfunction. Yes, I am dysfunctional :/ It hurts to stand, to stand up, to sit for too long, or walk. Oddly, it hurts the most to turn over in bed. It takes a concentrated effort, and I have to use the headboard for support. I didn't have this problem with my other two. 
     Now, to top it all off I already seem to have a clogged milk duct. In my armpit, nonetheless. If anyone else has had them there, you'll know that they hurt! This has happened with both babies before, but only after I had actually started breastfeeding. To have this problem before I have even given birth baffles me. I guess that it's just a sign that delivery is near! 
     Although I have been in a lot of pain, and misery, and discomfort this time around, there have been a few upsides. I was one of the "lucky" ones, as my doctor called it, that didn't get sick. There was some slight queasiness and nausea in the beginning, but never any vomiting. And my blood pressure has been normal, even low at some points (until the last few weeks anyway.) 
     There hasn't been any health concerns for the baby. To be able to have a healthy baby enter this world, this family, it will all be worth it! 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Pregnancy Woes

   As most of you know know I had a pretty rough pregnancy with Jax. I had seriously high blood pressure. It was 200/110 at my first appointment with him. I was only 22 at the time. The doctors immediately put me on blood pressure medication and I was seeing a high risk specialist. I was seeing one doctor or the other every single week throughout the entire pregnancy. My blood pressure stayed pretty high, on average about 140/90, even with medication. Jax was small, and has had lots of his own issues (but that's another story!)
   After I had him I was saw another specialist, an Internist, for a year. We tried several different medications, before finding something that kept the hbp under control. She said I was one of only two other people she had ever seen that she couldn't figure out the reason for the hbp. I was also the youngest. Her final conclusion was that it was just genetics. 

   Then I got pregnant with Kooper. I still had high blood pressure with him, but things were calmer this time around. I was seeing a different doctor, and he put me on different meds. (The meds the Internist had me on weren't safe for pregnancy.) This medication was even different from what the first doctors had me on. When I told him what it was, the first thing he said was "I'm going to put you on something different, that medication tends to cause low birth-weight babies." I couldn't believe my ears! A lot of the problems Jax had could have been prevented if they would have given me a different medication!!! (I am still mad about this, but that's a different story too!) This doctor also specializes in high risk pregnancies, so I wasn't having to see a different one. And I wasn't having to go every week like before. This pregnancy, aside from the hbp, was normal. Koop was much bigger than Jax, and has been much healthier too. 
   Now I am pregnant for a third time. I have not been on medication since I had Kooper, which has been 4 years. There have been times when I have wondered if I should still be taking something. But much to my surprise my blood pressure has been LOW. My first appointment it was 112/60 something. Today it was 110/82. It was never anywhere close to being that low even when I was taking medication. I am happy that it's not high, but I don't understand!!! I don't understand what's different now, than it was back then. I have no idea when it started being normal either. I still think it's high sometimes, but so far never at the doctor's office. 
   Each pregnancy has been so different, and these first 2 kids are pretty different from each other. I can't imagine how this new one will be any more different from the other ones!