I sit here tonight making sure he has everything ready for his first day of Kindergarten tomorrow and trying to come up with ideas for his upcoming 6th birthday. Unbelievable. So soon.
I know, I know. He went to Pre-K last year, so it should be no big deal. But it is. This year is different. This year he will be going all day. This year is to be taken a little more seriously.
I know he will be fine, I know he needs to be there. It's me that's not fine. I just can't help but think that this is the beginning of the end. This is going to be how it is from now until he is old enough to have a life of his own and he won't need me. (I know I posted something like this last year too.) I know there are still many more adventures to be had along the way. I just need time to stand still for a little bit.
Alas, here's to another adventure!